All about ESTA questions

To travel to the U.S. without applying for a visa at the U.S. embassy, travelers must apply for ESTA authorization. How does this application work? What are the most frequently asked ESTA questions, and how do I answer them correctly?

We’ll help you complete the ESTA form, to reduce the number of ESTA travel authorization refusals.

What are the ESTA questions questions asked?

First and foremost, it’s vital to know whether the traveler is eligible to apply and answer the ESTA questions. There are a number of conditions to be met before embarking on the ESTA application process.

To apply for ESTA, you first need to be a national of one of the countries covered by the Visa Waiver Program. This visa waiver program currently covers 41 countries worldwide. If you are a French, Belgian or Swiss national, you are entitled to apply for an ESTA.

Some questions concern your valid passport. Your passport must be biometric (with fingerprints) or electronic. We recommend that its validity date is not too close to the date of your arrival on American soil.

Visit ESTA questions

Visit ESTA questions allow the American authorities to determine whether or not you represent a potential danger to the homeland security of the American territory. To do this, you’ll need to fill in a number of details about yourself, your e-passport or biometric passport, and your travel history.

Part 1: Personal data and the passport

In this section, we’ll go through your general information: your surname, first names, nationality, address, date and place of birth, and so on. It’s important not to make any mistakes, and to fill in the information correctly. If you’re a married woman, please note the name on your passport (maiden name or husband’s name) on the ESTA form. You’ll also be asked for your parents’ first and last names, and information about your past and present employers.

As far as passports are concerned, you should mention in the ESTA questions questions, passport number, date of issue and validity period (via expiry date).

Part 2: Staying in the USA

In this section, you will be asked to provide contact details for your accommodation during your stay in the USA . You will also be asked to provide a local emergency contact.

What’s more, travel to the USA with an ESTA can only be for transit, tourism or business. For any other reason, you will need to apply for a visa.

Part 3: Closed-ended questions about your criminal and medical history

Answering the form’s closed questions is a step that must not be neglected. Answers to these questions can only be “yes” or “no”, and no justification is possible.

With these questions, the U.S. government wants to know if you’re potentially dangerous, or a troublemaker.

You will be asked, for example, whether you suffer from a serious contagious disease, or drug addiction. The U.S. authorities want to know about your previous travels, especially to Muslim Ban countries.

Where to find the ESTA form ?

The ESTA form is only available online. This means that there is no need to go to the US embassy or contact the consular authorities to fill out the form and answer the questions. ESTA questions.

You can obtain it via the official U.S. government website. The travel authorization application only takes a few minutes, and you’ll receive a reply within 72 hours.